There are two main options for people requiring supportive care in a facility;

1) Residential Aged Care Facility/Aged Care Homes (also known as nursing homes or old persons home).

2) Supported Residential Service (SRS). These are only available in Victoria or South Australia.

3) Retirement Villages are generally for people that are independent or require a lower level of care.

If you are considering moving into an aged care home that offers government funded assistance, then the first step is to arrange a free assessment with an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT or ACAS in Victoria).

The will assess how much care you will require and work out if you are eligible for assistance.

Anyone over the age of 65-years-old needing government subsidised home care or aged care home will require an “Aged Care Assessment”. These are free government funded assessments usually completed in your own home or the hospital. These assessments are carried out by Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACAT). The ACAT teams are spread around Australia and depending on where you live will depend on which team can assist you.

To make an appointment for an Aged Care Assessment speak with your GP or contact us on (904) 704-5322
Respite care (also known as ‘short term care’) can be delivered in aged care homes, day centres or in your own home. The idea of respite care is to give individuals or their carers a break from their caring role. Allowing them the opportunity to catch up on everyday activities or go on holiday while ensuring the needs of the person they care for are supported.
You will first need a free assessment with a member of an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT). An ACAT will talk to you about your current situation and work out if you are eligible to receive residential respite care. The ACAT will also explain the type of care you require. You can access residential respite for up to 63 days each financial year. This time can be extended in lots of 21 days if an assessment finds that extra time is necessary.
With so many options out there, how do you know what are the quality services available to meet your needs? There are three main options to choose from either local council supports, Commonwealth Home Care Packages or private home care agencies. Some people may choose to access government funded packages only, others may choose private services if they have the means, or a combination of both. Let us talk you through the differences so you can work out which one is for you.